Tuesday, December 15, 2020


Students will practice timed AP MCQ's using Albert

Tuesday, 12/15- Timed Albert Exercise

Wednesday, 12/16 Timed Albert Exercise 2

 We will do both today.                     Timed Albert Exercise 3 

                                                          **These should be completed in class

Friday, 12/18- You may work on your AP Unit 3 Progress Check (graded) OR

                         You should begin watching/ taking notes on the Unit 4 videos (READING)

                         The video notes will be due to www.turnitin.com by Wednesday, 12/23 before our                                    scheduled class time.........AH  HA!!!....I MADE THE TURNITIN.COM LINK!!!  )

Sunday, 12/20- AP Unit 3 Progress Check

****Due 12/20- AP MCQ - Progress Check GRADED 

Complete the AP MCQ Progress Check - This is timed and will take 30 minutes.  Begin immediately upon class arrival.

***BONUS: There is an assigned AP Exam (195 minutes)  

       It is optional.  HOWEVER, IF YOU COMPLETE THE EXAM, YOU WILL RECEIVE 15 BONUS POINTS  (These points are awarded for completing the exam)

PLUS : (There's more....The better you do, the more points you will receive)

3 = +5 

4 =    +10  

5= + 20

Imagine receiving up to 35 bonus points!!!!!!!!

The exam must be completed by Sunday, 1/3

12/23- before t class- Watch videos and notes for READING UNIT 4

**One more timed exercise on Monday, 12/21 in class.

Watch the videos for Unit 4:

Rhetorical Situation – Reading

Skill 1A- Identify and define the rhetorical situation

Video 1  - https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/u0xu0z6ty4?sui=12,4

Video 2- https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/d12yi3goye?sui=12,4

Video 3 - https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/nafc0ua7q2?sui=12,4


Identify and describe the overarching thesis of an argument

VIDEO 1- https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/bvdbgjnmgb?sui=12,4

VIDEO 2- https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/ljziyjbmt9?sui=12,4


Recognize and explain the methods of development

Video 1- https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/bdvvop7xwg?sui=12,4

VIDEO 2 - https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/0rdkxjkull?sui=12,4

VIDEO 3- https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/2ji6k0hp1u?sui=12,4

Practice exercise: 

Friday, December 4, 2020

Rhetorical Analysis and Assessing correct answers

Due Monday, 12/7
Due Tuesday, 12/8
Due Wednesday, 12/9
Due Friday, 12/11 
Due Monday, 12/14

Due 12/20- AP MCQ - Progress Check GRADED 


1. Work on Rhetorical Analysis

ESSAY PROMPT LINK: http://bhscomp2.blogspot.com/2020/07/shoeless-joe.html

2. Rough draft must be turned in by Tuesday, 12/8 before class.

**www.grammarly.com/edu should be your best friend (hint, hint)

3. Tuesday- Friday - We are going to work on Multiple Choice Questions

4. Final Draft of SJ Rhetorical Essay Due by Midnight on Monday, 12/14)



 A. Videos part 1- - turn in notes to www.turnitin.com- Due Monday, 12/7

B. Rough draft must be turned in by Tuesday, 12/8 before class.

C. AP Practice Exercises Due Wednesday, 12/9 (Due by midnight, as per your request) 

This Assignment is timed, please allow 15 minutes

 D. Videos part 2 - turn in notes to www.turnitin.com - Due Friday, 12/11

-AP Practice Exercises Due Friday, 12/11 -  (Due before class, This Assignment is timed, please allow 15 minutes

(These Exercises will be part 1 practice)

**both exercises are timed, so please allow 1 hour for each exercise

E. Final Draft of SJ Rhetorical Essay Due by Midnight on Monday, 12/14) 


  VIDEOS-Unit 3    -  Watch and take notes by Monday, 12/7 (before class)

Your notes should be comprehensive and must be turned in prior to class to receive all 50 points

Skill: 3A

Claims and Evidence - Reading

Identify and Explain Claims and Evidence Within an Argument

 Video 1: https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/f5qtt8g6xx?sui=12,3

 Video 2: https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/x7hmuvl62z?sui=12,3


Skill 5A- Reading

Reasoning and Organization

Describe the Line of Reasoning and Explain how it supports the Thesis

Video 1: https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/r4yugmfein?sui=12,3

Video 2: https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/o1q08yedwf?sui=12,3

Video 3: https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/ta31gz4vfs?sui=12,3

Unit 3 

Skill 5C

Reasoning and Organization- Reading

Recognize and Explain the Use of Methods of Development

Video 1: https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/g9cqosn1py?sui=12,3

Video 2: https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/a417vghp0b?sui=12,3

Video 3: https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/a417vghp0b?sui=12,3


Due for 12/11

Your notes should be comprehensive and must be turned in prior to class to receive all 50 points

Unit 3

Skill 4A

Claims and Evidence- Writing

Develop a paragraph that includes a claim and evidence that supports the claim

Video 1: https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/mxhk9qfdtt?sui=12,3

 Video 2: https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/50u0vndyf0?sui=12,3

Video 3: https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/t2fuh6v2mj?sui=12,3

Unit 3

Skill 6A

Reasoning and Organization - Writing

Develop a line of reasoning and Commentary

Video 1: https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/ye38qt3jl6?sui=12,3

Video 2: https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/owpgeo0qzl?sui=12,3

Video 3: https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/zc59vd42r0?sui=12,3

Unit 3

Skill 6C

Reasoning and Organization - Writing

Use appropriate methods of development to advance an argument

\Video 1: https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/2mtyn58f9t?sui=12,3

Video 2: https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/yss6vtfzwb?sui=12,3

Video 3: https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/2nemcgl9in?sui=12,3

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Shoeless Joe Conclusion and Rhetorical Analysis Essay

Welcome Back!!

Tuesday, 12/1- Book Club Day

-Today and first part of class, we will discuss the ending of SHOELESS JOE

-During the remainder of the week, we will work on the Rhetorical analysis for SHOELESS JOE.

LINK TO SHOELESS JOE PROMPT: https://bhscomp2.blogspot.com/2020/07/shoeless-joe.html

 VIDEOS-Unit 3    -  Watch and take notes by Friday, 12/4

Skill: 3A

Claims and Evidence - Reading

Identify and Explain Claims and Evidence Within an Argument

 Video 1: https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/f5qtt8g6xx?sui=12,3

 Video 2: https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/x7hmuvl62z?sui=12,3


Skill 5A- Reading

Reasoning and Organization

Describe the Line of Reasoning and Explain how it supports the Thesis

Video 1: https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/r4yugmfein?sui=12,3

Video 2: https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/o1q08yedwf?sui=12,3

Video 3: https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/ta31gz4vfs?sui=12,3

Unit 3 

Skill 5C

Reasoning and Organization- Reading

Recognize and Explain the Use of Methods of Development

Video 1: https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/g9cqosn1py?sui=12,3

Video 2: https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/a417vghp0b?sui=12,3

Video 3: https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/a417vghp0b?sui=12,3


Due for 12/11

Unit 3

Skill 4A

Claims and Evidence- Writing

Develop a paragraph that includes a claim and evidence that supports the claim

Video 1: https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/mxhk9qfdtt?sui=12,3

 Video 2: https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/50u0vndyf0?sui=12,3

Video 3: https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/t2fuh6v2mj?sui=12,3

Unit 3

Skill 6A

Reasoning and Organization - Writing

Develop a line of reasoning and Commentary

Video 1: https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/ye38qt3jl6?sui=12,3

Video 2: https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/owpgeo0qzl?sui=12,3

Video 3: https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/zc59vd42r0?sui=12,3

Unit 3

Skill 6C

Reasoning and Organization - Writing

Use appropriate methods of development to advance an argument

\Video 1: https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/2mtyn58f9t?sui=12,3

Video 2: https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/yss6vtfzwb?sui=12,3

Video 3: https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/2nemcgl9in?sui=12,3

Thursday, November 19, 2020


Hello My Lovelies, 

As I informed you, I will not be in class on Monday and Tuesday (11/23 and 11/24).

Please complete the following assignment Monday- Wednesday:

1. Finish reading Shoeless Joe

2. Write out a quote, include your analysis, and write an overall evaluation and / or Rhetorical devices used.

3. Complete this assignment by Monday, 11/30 @ 3PM

4. Below, I am including AP Videos for unit 3.  Please watch them  and take notes by Friday, 12/4

Have a wonderful VACATION!  Please rest and take care!!  Be safe!!!!!

Happy Turkey Day!!

Mrs. C



Unit 3

Skill: 3A

Claims and Evidence - Reading

Identify and Explain Claims and Evidence Within an Argument

 Video 1: https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/f5qtt8g6xx?sui=12,3

 Video 2: https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/x7hmuvl62z?sui=12,3


Skill 5A- Reading

Reasoning and Organization

Describe the Line of Reasoning and Explain how it supports the Thesis

Video 1: https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/r4yugmfein?sui=12,3

Video 2: https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/o1q08yedwf?sui=12,3

Video 3: https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/ta31gz4vfs?sui=12,3

Unit 3 

Skill 5C

Reasoning and Organization- Reading

Recognize and Explain the Use of Methods of Development

Video 1: https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/g9cqosn1py?sui=12,3

Video 2: https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/a417vghp0b?sui=12,3

Video 3: https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/a417vghp0b?sui=12,3


Due for 12/11

Unit 3

Skill 4A

Claims and Evidence- Writing

Develop a paragraph that includes a claim and evidence that supports the claim

Video 1: https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/mxhk9qfdtt?sui=12,3

 Video 2: https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/50u0vndyf0?sui=12,3

Video 3: https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/t2fuh6v2mj?sui=12,3

Unit 3

Skill 6A

Reasoning and Organization - Writing

Develop a line of reasoning and Commentary

Video 1: https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/ye38qt3jl6?sui=12,3

Video 2: https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/owpgeo0qzl?sui=12,3

Video 3: https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/zc59vd42r0?sui=12,3

Unit 3

Skill 6C

Reasoning and Organization - Writing

Use appropriate methods of development to advance an argument

\Video 1: https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/2mtyn58f9t?sui=12,3

Video 2: https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/yss6vtfzwb?sui=12,3

Video 3: https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/2nemcgl9in?sui=12,3

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Unit 2/ Intro to Unit 3

1.  Friday, 11/13- Albert will be due at midnight

. Friday, 11/13- Albert 40 Questions - 40 points

2= Full Credit 40 points (16 Questions)

3 = +4 (20 Q )

4 =   Q +6  (26)

5= +) 15 (33 Q)

2. In Class: We will work on final essays

Turn your essays in to www.turnitin.com by midnight on Friday, 11/13

-3. AP Classroom graded sample tests (Due Tuesday, 11/17) MCQ and FQR

4.  Since there is are 18 MCQ questions and  two writing sections (FQR), I am going to allow you to use 3rd period on Monday to finish this assignment. I encourage you to utilize Monday's class (11/16) for the essay.  

This will be a graded assignment. (Yes, it will be due by 11;45PM....as you guys insist...on Tuesday)

**Why any class would select midnight as a deadline is beyond me!!!!!  

 5. Shoeless Joe:  Read up to page 202 for Tuesday, 11/17

Wednesday, 11/18- Thursday, 11/19 - We will take a short break from essays and cover the multiple choice questions



Monday, November 9, 2020

Rhetorical Analysis Writing Videos and practice

 1.  We will review AP Video assignment below for unit 2

2.  We will discuss the 8 videos to watch and take notes on by Monday, 11/9


3. Monday, 11/9 Review 8 videos on Rhetorical Writing

4. Tuesday, 11/10 - Book Club Day/ Discuss Shoeless Joe up to page 153

**Each student must turn in a Quote/ section to read - with page number for discussion

-You should List the page, quote (or ideas on the pages if a longer passage) and points to be discussed about your selection

Turn this in to www.turnitin.com before class on Tuesday

5. Wednesday, 11/11 - Discuss Susan B. Anthony Essays/ rewritesb Day)

Second half of class, we will discuss the Rhetoric used in the Presidential/ Vice Presidential Elect speeches

7. Friday, 11/13- Albert 40 Questions - 40 points

2= Full Credit 40 points (16 Questions)

3 = +4 (20 Q )

4 =   Q +6  (26)

5= +) 15 (33 Q)


Monday, November 2, 2020

Rhetorical Analysis. Claims and Evidence

1. There is an AP Video assignment below for unit 2

2.  There are 8 videos to watch and take notes on by Monday, 11/9


3. Monday, 11/2 Presentations 

4. Tuesday, 11/3 and Wednesday, 11/4 - Continue reviewing Rhetorical Analysis in the practice book

5. Thursday, 11/5- Shoeless Joe up to page 153 (Book Club Day)

Second half of class, we will review your Susan B. Anthony Rhetorical essays.

6. For Monday, 11/9 - Watch the last 8 Videos in Unit 2: (WATCH AND TAKE NOTES)

7. Friday, 11/13- Albert 40 Questions - 40 points

2= Full Credit 40 points (16 Questions)

3 = +4 (20 Q )

4 =   Q +6  (26)

5= + 15 (33 Q)





(It looks like many of you already watched this section I A, B, and C.  Please make sure you have notes)

A. Demonstrate an understanding of an audience's beliefs, values, or needs


B.Demonstrate an understanding of an audience's beliefs, values, or needs


C. Demonstrate an understanding of an audience's beliefs, values, or needs



A. Develop a paragraph that includes a claim and evidence supporting the claim


B.  Develop a paragraph that includes a claim and evidence supporting the claim


C.  Develop a paragraph that includes a claim and evidence supporting the claim



A. Write a thesis that requires a defense and may preview an argument's structure


B. A. Write a thesis that requires a defense and may preview an argument's structure


Wednesday, October 28, 2020


 1. For Friday, 10/30-

Write the Rhetorical Analysis Essay for the Susan B. Anthony prompt in your practice books (pg 132)

Turn it in to www.turnitin.com by Friday before class

2. Friday, 10/30- Breakout rooms to plan presentations

(Presentations will be on Monday, 11/2..........and you will have a great day because it is daylight savings time)

3. Monday, 11/2 Presentations - First half of class

Second half of class, we will review your Susan B. Anthony Rhetorical essays.

4. Tuesday, 11/3 and Wednesday, 11/4 - Continue reviewing Rhetorical Analysis in the practice book

5. Thursday, 11/5- Shoeless Joe up to page 153 (Book Club Day)

6. For Friday, 11/6 - Watch the last 8 Videos in Unit 2: (WATCH AND TAKE NOTES)




(It looks like many of you already watched this section I A, B, and C.  Please make sure you have notes)

A. Demonstrate an understanding of an audience's beliefs, values, or needs


B.Demonstrate an understanding of an audience's beliefs, values, or needs


C. Demonstrate an understanding of an audience's beliefs, values, or needs



A. Develop a paragraph that includes a claim and evidence supporting the claim


B.  Develop a paragraph that includes a claim and evidence supporting the claim


C.  Develop a paragraph that includes a claim and evidence supporting the claim



A. Write a thesis that requires a defense and may preview an argument's structure


B. A. Write a thesis that requires a defense and may preview an argument's structure


Friday, October 23, 2020


AP Classroom Update: Since the AP site will be undergoing an update on Sat and Sunday, The assignment will be extended. Both assignments: 6 videos and 15 AP Questions will be due on Tuesday, 10/27 before you enter my class. I suggest you work on them today, during the allotted time for our class. Remember, don't wait until the last minute. These assignments will be graded. Have a beautiful Weekend!!!

**Thursday, 10/29 - Shoeless Joe Discussion up to 153

Write down 3 central discussion topics;  you should have at least two points of textual evidence for each discussion point.

-Watch the following AP Central Videos AND take notes

Skills:  3A, 3 B

3A is due before you walk in to class on Monday, 1026

Directions:  Watch videos, take notes, complete the 10 question AP Central Quiz (Graded)

3A: Rhetorical Situation:  Writing

1. Identify and explain claims and evidence within an argument


2. Demonstrate an understanding of an audience's beliefs, values, or needs


3. Demonstrate an understanding of an audience's beliefs, values, or needs


3B is due before you walk in to class on Monday, 10/26

Directions:  Watch videos, take notes, complete the 5 question AP Central Quiz (Grade

3B Claims and evidence- Reading

1. Identify the thesis of an argument and any indication of it's structure


2. Identify the thesis of an argument and any indication of it's structure

2. Identify the thesis of an argument and any indication of it's structure


Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Rhetorical Analysis and Synthesis Project

 Mon., 10/19 s Work  on Verbal Synthesis Project

Tues., 10/20 - Work on Verbal Synthesis

Wed. 10/21 - Finalize Synthesis Project in class

Vocab 4 Test

Thurs., 10/22 Present Verbal Synthesis Project

Fri., 10/30 - Shoeless Joe Discussion up to 153

Homework for Monday, 10/26 before you walk in to class:

-Watch the following AP Central Videos AND take notes

Skills:  3A, 3 B

3A is due before you walk in to class on Monday, 1026

Directions:  Watch videos, take notes, complete the 10 question AP Central Quiz (Graded)

3A: Rhetorical Situation:  Writing

1. Identify and explain claims and evidence within an argument


2. Demonstrate an understanding of an audience's beliefs, values, or needs


3. Demonstrate an understanding of an audience's beliefs, values, or needs


3B is due before you walk in to class on Monday, 10/26

Directions:  Watch videos, take notes, complete the 5 question AP Central Quiz (Grade

3B Claims and evidence- Reading

1. Identify the thesis of an argument and any indication of it's structure


2. Identify the thesis of an argument and any indication of it's structure

2. Identify the thesis of an argument and any indication of it's structure


Monday, October 12, 2020


Let's Organize, Here is the plan for the next week: 

**FOR MORE DETAIL, Please see the Shoeless Joe Assignment/ Verbal Synthesis Essay Assignment/ and the Homework Assignments at the bottom of this blog post.

Wed., 10/14 -Work  on Verbal Synthesis Project (After we talk about the 10 Baseball Facts)

Thurs., 10/15-Work  on Verbal Synthesis Project (After we discuss Shoeless Joe up to page 53)

Fri., 10/16 - Work on AP Central Assignment for Monday


Mon., 10/19 Voc 4 Test/ Work  on Verbal Synthesis Project

Tues., 10/20 - Work on Verbal Synthesis

Wed. 10/21 - Finalize Synthesis Project in class

Thurs., 10/22 Present Verbal Synthesis Project

Fri., 10/23 - Shoeless Joe Discussion up to 103


 VERBAL SYNTHESIS Essay Directions:

Resources: jamboard.google.com, Google Breakout rooms, AP Prompt

Jamboards:  Make 2 per group (1 for the group to plan, organize, create a STANCE;  The other for the group to present)

1. You will be divided into three groups:

A. Defend , Challenge, or Qualify  the claim that television has had a positive impact on presidential elections. 

B. Read your Prompt

C. You will be assigned to a group via Google Breakroom in Google Meet

D. Your group will utilize Wednesday's double period to plan and review the sources

E. Your group will develop your STANCE and Reasons to defend your claim

F. Your group will analyze the sources.

G. Your presentation will be based on the Prompt, the AP Directions, and the AP rules

H. Your group will present your claim as if you are presenting a verbal paper.

I. You must know your sources and present as if you are speaking, not reading an essay

J. You must include your Jamboard in your presentation

*Remember, this is an argument, and you are presenting it to the class.

*Develop your argument by including embedded evidence to support your stance

*Organize, organize, organize, AND Prove, prove, prove

*Each group member must contribute equally

**Refer to the sources as Source A, Source B, or Source C

***See Dates above


Shoeless Joe Prompt



10/12- Review Vocab lesson 4

**The test will be on Monday, 10/19


Pass out Shoeless Joe Books

-Hmk: Students must research the "Black Sox Scandal" and have at least 10 facts written by Wednesday, 10/14

Assign up to page 53 for  Thursday, 10/15



(Locate rhetorical points)

****** AP Central assignment that is due next Monday, 10/19

 Rhetorical Situation - Reading

A. Video 1


B. Video 2


C. Video 3


D. Complete the Corresponding Unit 2- 1B quiz

**This will count for points  (Graded)

Albert Bonus:  There will be 40 Albert questions posted.  If you complete them by Thursday, 10/15 and score the equivalent of a 3 or higher, you will receive 6 bonus points.  This assignment must be turned in by 10/15- before you enter class

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Synthesis Essay Continued

 Good Morning AP English!!!!!  Here is what is going on over the next few days....

Thursday, 10/8 - 

We will finish our practice Synthesis Essay on AI.  Please go over your essay and put it through Grammarly before turning it in at the end of the period.

I will give you time to work on Vocab 4 during the second half of the class.  (Some people will complete the essay quicker than others)

-Also, I am going to pass out SHOELESS JOE

Friday, 10/9-

Discuss Editorial

(Locate rhetorical points)

Introduce Prompt to Shoeless Joe:



(Locate rhetorical points)

****** AP Central assignment that is due next Monday, 10/19

 Rhetorical Situation - Reading

A. Video 1


B. Video 2


C. Video 3


D. Complete the Corresponding Unit 2- 1B quiz

**This will count for points  (Graded)

Monday, 10/12

Vocab 4 with sentences - Due


Voc 4 lesson and 20 sentences- due Monday, 10/12 before class

AP Central Exercise due, Monday, 10/19 - 3 Videos 2 quizzes

Albert Extra Credit - due 10/15

Albert Bonus:  There will be 40 Albert questions posted.  If you complete them by Thursday, 10/15 and score the equivalent of a 3 or higher, you will receive 6 bonus points.  This assignment must be turned in by 10/15- before you enter class

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Synthesis Essay

Wednesday, 9/30

Peer Edit 5 Synthesis Essays

Thursday, 10/1- Friday, 10/2

Continue to Peer Edit if necessary

-Students will review the chapter on Synthesis Essay in AP practice book

-Students will be assigned a graded Practice Synthesis essay/ (Not times)

-Students will be assigned a graded/ timed Synthesis essay (times)

Weekend Homework

Complete the Practice AP Classroom Exercises before class on Monday.  They will count for points.

Monday, 10/5

We will continue with the Synthesis Assignment from Thursday, 10/1- Friday, 10/2

Students will review the chapter on Synthesis Essay in AP practice book

Students will be assigned a graded Synthesis essay/ (Not times)

Students will be assigned a graded Synthesis essay (times)

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

 Wednesday, 9/23- Thursday, 9/24

Students will review the chapter on Synthesis Essay in AP practice book

Students will be assigned a graded Synthesis essay/ (Not times)

Students will be assigned a graded Synthesis essay (times)

We are going to revisit the practice Synthesis essay....It will be due on Monday, 9/28

Tuesday, 9/29 -Voc 3 Test

Weekend Homework

Video assignment 2

Watch 5 videos from AP Classroom

Complete Corresponding questions.  (Due Monday, 9/29 before class)

The link will be posted here: 

Take notes on the following videos.

**Please note we will have a quiz on the videos and discuss them to review the class notes

Claims and Evidence




 Develop a paragraph that includes a claim and evidence supporting the claim  Due Monday, 9/27

Video 1- https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/90mob9xtbh?sui=12,1

Video 2-  https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/alyecut7ul?sui=12,1

Answer Corresponding questions in AP Central


Here are the video links from last week:  Complete by 9/14/20

I included the set of links from last week:

Video assignment 1

Video link 1

Video link 2

Video link 3

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Score Practice AP/ Synthesis Essay

 Monday, 9/21

Review voc 3 G

Score AP practice exam

Review AP directions

Tuesday, 9/22

Review AP videos on Rhetoric

Students will explore the elements of a Synthesis Essay

Students will dissect each aspect of the Synthesis Essay

Students will discuss approaches to the Synthesis Essay

Wednesday, 9/23- Thursday, 9/24

Students will review the chapter on Synthesis Essay in AP practice book

Students will be assigned a graded Synthesis essay/ (Not times)

Students will be assigned a graded Synthesis essay (times)

Weekend Homework

Video assignment 2

Watch 3 videos from AP Classroom

Complete Corresponding questions.  (Due Monday, before class)

The link will be posted here: 

Take notes on the following videos.

**Please note we will have a quiz on the videos and discuss them to review the class notes

Claims and Evidence




 Develop a paragraph that includes a claim and evidence supporting the claim  Due Monday, 9/27

Video 1- https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/90mob9xtbh?sui=12,1

Video 2-  https://apclassroom.collegeboard.org/d/alyecut7ul?sui=12,1

Answer Corresponding questions in AP Central

Here are the video links from last week:  Complete by 9/14/20

Video assignment 1

Video link 1

Video link 2

Video link 3

Monday, September 14, 2020

AP Practice Tests

 Goal: To familiarize students with the elimination process for multiple choice questions

To help student increase their reading comprehension/ analysis

Week of 9/14-9/17

1. Monday- Review Questions 1-45- Check answers in your AP Practice books and discuss choices Pgs 37-43

2. Tuesday:  Essay 1 of 3 (Synthesis Essay) 

3. Wednesday- Voc 2 test and Analysis Essay

4. Thursday-Analysis Essay/ Test evaluation

5. Friday-Persuasive essay/ Test Evaluation

6. AP Central by Friday

-Watch the 3 videos assigned in AP Central  (The links are in our group email)

-Take notes on the videos.  Incorporate these notes into your Ch1 and Ch 2 A,A, and S PowerPoint notes

-Complete the exercises

Homework over the Monday, 9/21:

In your AP Prep book:

1. Score your multiple choice on page 44 (the top part- Section I)

2. Review and take notes on pages 45-50


pg 128 - Synthesis

pg 145- Analysis

Pg 156- Argument/ Persuasive

Voc 3 Due to Google Classroom

20 Sentences due in www.turnitin.com

Thursday, September 10, 2020

AP intro exams and Vocab 1

We are meeting every day on the new class link.  Please check your school email.

 Intro to the AP EXAM

Thursday, 9/10

1. Students will take the Voc 1 exam

2. Students will Finish the second half of the 45 questions on pg 11 of AP Practice book

(You will have 30 minutes to complete 24-45)

Friday, 9/11

1. Review Voc 2

Sentences are due in www.turnitin.com before class

The unit is due in Google Classroom before class

Monday- Intro to Arguments

We will be learning about and writing editorials.

Monday, September 7, 2020

AP Exam Intro.


To incorporate Rhetorical devices into practice exercises

To Review basic elements of the AP Lang exam


1. Review Chapter 3 from  Analysis, Argument, and Synthesis.  (In Google Drive)

Read pages 19-21 twice  (On the second reading, highlight and annotate the essay.  Carefully note the impact of particular words, phrases, and details withing the text.  )  Be ready to pull your notes up on the computer during class)

Answer questions 1-10 (Thoroughly) on Pages 21-22

Answer questions 1-10 on pages 23-24  (Please justify your selected answers)

2. Pass out AP Practice books

-Have students save the AP Exam form in their Google Drive

-Students will be timed for 45 minutes and take the first part of the practice exam

3. Voc. lesson 2: due Friday, 9/11 - Turn your lesson in to Google Classroom

Write 22 original sentences with context clues

(Underline word/ highlight clue)

Turn your sentences in to www.turnitin.com

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Rhetoric and Review




1. Vocab 1 test:

M/W class: Wednesday, 9/9

T/Th class- Thursday, 9/10

2. Review Chapter 3 from  Analysis, Argument, and Synthesis.  (In Google Drive)

Read pages 19-21 twice  (On the second reading, highlight and annotate the essay.  Carefully note the impact of particular words, phrases, and details withing the text.  )  Be ready to pull your notes up on the computer during class)

Answer questions 1-10 (Thoroughly) on Pages 21-22

Answer questions 1-10 on pages 23-24  (Please justify your selected answers)

turn your work in to www.turnitin.com

**Please note, if you have not completed this assig

nment well, I extended the deadline until Monday, 9/7

3. Voc. lesson 2: due Friday, 9/11 - Turn your lesson in to Google Classroom

Write 22 original sentences with context clues

(Underline word/ highlight clue)

Turn your sentences in to www.turnitin.com

Tuesday, 9/8:  - Remember, if you are a M/W Class, you will be joining virtually

Review Ch 3 Exercise and 

AP Practice Exam

Sunday, August 30, 2020


 Mon./ Tues. 8/31-9/1

Goals:  Review notes, review PowerPoint, and discuss chapter questions

Review Voc Unit 1


1. Vocab 1 test:

M/W class: Wednesday, 9/2

T/Th class- Thursday, 9/3

2. Homework for virtual day:  

Read Chapter 3 from  Analysis, Argument, and Synthesis.  (In Google Drive)

Read pages 19-21 twice  (On the second reading, highlight and annotate the essay.  Carefully note the impact of particular words, phrases, and details withing the text.  )  Be ready to pull your notes up on the computer during class)

Answer questions 1-10 (Thoroughly) on Pages 21-22

Answer questions 1-10 on pages 23-24  (Please justify your selected answers)

turn your work in to www.turnitin.com

M/W class: before class on Wednesday, 9/2

T/Th class- before class on Thursday, 9/3

3. Voc. lesson 2: due Friday, 9/4

Write 10 original sentences with context clues

(Underline word/ highlight clue)

Turn your sentences in to www.turnitin.com