Monday, October 12, 2020


Let's Organize, Here is the plan for the next week: 

**FOR MORE DETAIL, Please see the Shoeless Joe Assignment/ Verbal Synthesis Essay Assignment/ and the Homework Assignments at the bottom of this blog post.

Wed., 10/14 -Work  on Verbal Synthesis Project (After we talk about the 10 Baseball Facts)

Thurs., 10/15-Work  on Verbal Synthesis Project (After we discuss Shoeless Joe up to page 53)

Fri., 10/16 - Work on AP Central Assignment for Monday


Mon., 10/19 Voc 4 Test/ Work  on Verbal Synthesis Project

Tues., 10/20 - Work on Verbal Synthesis

Wed. 10/21 - Finalize Synthesis Project in class

Thurs., 10/22 Present Verbal Synthesis Project

Fri., 10/23 - Shoeless Joe Discussion up to 103


 VERBAL SYNTHESIS Essay Directions:

Resources:, Google Breakout rooms, AP Prompt

Jamboards:  Make 2 per group (1 for the group to plan, organize, create a STANCE;  The other for the group to present)

1. You will be divided into three groups:

A. Defend , Challenge, or Qualify  the claim that television has had a positive impact on presidential elections. 

B. Read your Prompt

C. You will be assigned to a group via Google Breakroom in Google Meet

D. Your group will utilize Wednesday's double period to plan and review the sources

E. Your group will develop your STANCE and Reasons to defend your claim

F. Your group will analyze the sources.

G. Your presentation will be based on the Prompt, the AP Directions, and the AP rules

H. Your group will present your claim as if you are presenting a verbal paper.

I. You must know your sources and present as if you are speaking, not reading an essay

J. You must include your Jamboard in your presentation

*Remember, this is an argument, and you are presenting it to the class.

*Develop your argument by including embedded evidence to support your stance

*Organize, organize, organize, AND Prove, prove, prove

*Each group member must contribute equally

**Refer to the sources as Source A, Source B, or Source C

***See Dates above


Shoeless Joe Prompt


10/12- Review Vocab lesson 4

**The test will be on Monday, 10/19


Pass out Shoeless Joe Books

-Hmk: Students must research the "Black Sox Scandal" and have at least 10 facts written by Wednesday, 10/14

Assign up to page 53 for  Thursday, 10/15



(Locate rhetorical points)

****** AP Central assignment that is due next Monday, 10/19

 Rhetorical Situation - Reading

A. Video 1,2

B. Video 2,2

C. Video 3,2

D. Complete the Corresponding Unit 2- 1B quiz

**This will count for points  (Graded)

Albert Bonus:  There will be 40 Albert questions posted.  If you complete them by Thursday, 10/15 and score the equivalent of a 3 or higher, you will receive 6 bonus points.  This assignment must be turned in by 10/15- before you enter class