Monday, September 7, 2020

AP Exam Intro.


To incorporate Rhetorical devices into practice exercises

To Review basic elements of the AP Lang exam


1. Review Chapter 3 from  Analysis, Argument, and Synthesis.  (In Google Drive)

Read pages 19-21 twice  (On the second reading, highlight and annotate the essay.  Carefully note the impact of particular words, phrases, and details withing the text.  )  Be ready to pull your notes up on the computer during class)

Answer questions 1-10 (Thoroughly) on Pages 21-22

Answer questions 1-10 on pages 23-24  (Please justify your selected answers)

2. Pass out AP Practice books

-Have students save the AP Exam form in their Google Drive

-Students will be timed for 45 minutes and take the first part of the practice exam

3. Voc. lesson 2: due Friday, 9/11 - Turn your lesson in to Google Classroom

Write 22 original sentences with context clues

(Underline word/ highlight clue)

Turn your sentences in to