Thursday, October 8, 2020

Synthesis Essay Continued

 Good Morning AP English!!!!!  Here is what is going on over the next few days....

Thursday, 10/8 - 

We will finish our practice Synthesis Essay on AI.  Please go over your essay and put it through Grammarly before turning it in at the end of the period.

I will give you time to work on Vocab 4 during the second half of the class.  (Some people will complete the essay quicker than others)

-Also, I am going to pass out SHOELESS JOE

Friday, 10/9-

Discuss Editorial

(Locate rhetorical points)

Introduce Prompt to Shoeless Joe:


(Locate rhetorical points)

****** AP Central assignment that is due next Monday, 10/19

 Rhetorical Situation - Reading

A. Video 1,2

B. Video 2,2

C. Video 3,2

D. Complete the Corresponding Unit 2- 1B quiz

**This will count for points  (Graded)

Monday, 10/12

Vocab 4 with sentences - Due


Voc 4 lesson and 20 sentences- due Monday, 10/12 before class

AP Central Exercise due, Monday, 10/19 - 3 Videos 2 quizzes

Albert Extra Credit - due 10/15

Albert Bonus:  There will be 40 Albert questions posted.  If you complete them by Thursday, 10/15 and score the equivalent of a 3 or higher, you will receive 6 bonus points.  This assignment must be turned in by 10/15- before you enter class