Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Synthesis Essay

Wednesday, 9/30

Peer Edit 5 Synthesis Essays

Thursday, 10/1- Friday, 10/2

Continue to Peer Edit if necessary

-Students will review the chapter on Synthesis Essay in AP practice book

-Students will be assigned a graded Practice Synthesis essay/ (Not times)

-Students will be assigned a graded/ timed Synthesis essay (times)

Weekend Homework

Complete the Practice AP Classroom Exercises before class on Monday.  They will count for points.

Monday, 10/5

We will continue with the Synthesis Assignment from Thursday, 10/1- Friday, 10/2

Students will review the chapter on Synthesis Essay in AP practice book

Students will be assigned a graded Synthesis essay/ (Not times)

Students will be assigned a graded Synthesis essay (times)