Monday, November 9, 2020

Rhetorical Analysis Writing Videos and practice

 1.  We will review AP Video assignment below for unit 2

2.  We will discuss the 8 videos to watch and take notes on by Monday, 11/9


3. Monday, 11/9 Review 8 videos on Rhetorical Writing

4. Tuesday, 11/10 - Book Club Day/ Discuss Shoeless Joe up to page 153

**Each student must turn in a Quote/ section to read - with page number for discussion

-You should List the page, quote (or ideas on the pages if a longer passage) and points to be discussed about your selection

Turn this in to before class on Tuesday

5. Wednesday, 11/11 - Discuss Susan B. Anthony Essays/ rewritesb Day)

Second half of class, we will discuss the Rhetoric used in the Presidential/ Vice Presidential Elect speeches

7. Friday, 11/13- Albert 40 Questions - 40 points

2= Full Credit 40 points (16 Questions)

3 = +4 (20 Q )

4 =   Q +6  (26)

5= +) 15 (33 Q)
