Friday, December 4, 2020

Rhetorical Analysis and Assessing correct answers

Due Monday, 12/7
Due Tuesday, 12/8
Due Wednesday, 12/9
Due Friday, 12/11 
Due Monday, 12/14

Due 12/20- AP MCQ - Progress Check GRADED 


1. Work on Rhetorical Analysis


2. Rough draft must be turned in by Tuesday, 12/8 before class.

** should be your best friend (hint, hint)

3. Tuesday- Friday - We are going to work on Multiple Choice Questions

4. Final Draft of SJ Rhetorical Essay Due by Midnight on Monday, 12/14)



 A. Videos part 1- - turn in notes to Due Monday, 12/7

B. Rough draft must be turned in by Tuesday, 12/8 before class.

C. AP Practice Exercises Due Wednesday, 12/9 (Due by midnight, as per your request) 

This Assignment is timed, please allow 15 minutes

 D. Videos part 2 - turn in notes to - Due Friday, 12/11

-AP Practice Exercises Due Friday, 12/11 -  (Due before class, This Assignment is timed, please allow 15 minutes

(These Exercises will be part 1 practice)

**both exercises are timed, so please allow 1 hour for each exercise

E. Final Draft of SJ Rhetorical Essay Due by Midnight on Monday, 12/14) 


  VIDEOS-Unit 3    -  Watch and take notes by Monday, 12/7 (before class)

Your notes should be comprehensive and must be turned in prior to class to receive all 50 points

Skill: 3A

Claims and Evidence - Reading

Identify and Explain Claims and Evidence Within an Argument

 Video 1:,3

 Video 2:,3


Skill 5A- Reading

Reasoning and Organization

Describe the Line of Reasoning and Explain how it supports the Thesis

Video 1:,3

Video 2:,3

Video 3:,3

Unit 3 

Skill 5C

Reasoning and Organization- Reading

Recognize and Explain the Use of Methods of Development

Video 1:,3

Video 2:,3

Video 3:,3


Due for 12/11

Your notes should be comprehensive and must be turned in prior to class to receive all 50 points

Unit 3

Skill 4A

Claims and Evidence- Writing

Develop a paragraph that includes a claim and evidence that supports the claim

Video 1:,3

 Video 2:,3

Video 3:,3

Unit 3

Skill 6A

Reasoning and Organization - Writing

Develop a line of reasoning and Commentary

Video 1:,3

Video 2:,3

Video 3:,3

Unit 3

Skill 6C

Reasoning and Organization - Writing

Use appropriate methods of development to advance an argument

\Video 1:,3

Video 2:,3

Video 3:,3