Monday, May 18, 2009

Final Exam

Graduation is almost here!!!!!!

This is your Final Exam for the year. You are responsible to get it to me by the deadline.

I want to emphasize that I will not accept this after the due date!!!

Final Exam Day, Friday, May 29.


Write an essay that reflects on your time in high school. You can reflect on the entire high school experience – i.e. grades 9-12 – OR you can reflect solely on your senior year.

Ø The emphasis of this essay should be on synthesis, that is, the pulling together of all of the experiences you had in high school into a single, coherent vision of the person you have become, are in the process of becoming, and eventually hope to become.
Ø As you pull together the various aspects of your experiences and thoughts, reflect a bit on the directions of that future growth—where do you expect this journey to take you and how do you imagine your education will help shape the person you eventually hope to be?
Ø It should document the most important aspects of your education and overall high school experience.
Ø It should help you remember and articulate various facets of your life.
Ø You may go beyond the normal five paragraph length in order to adequately share all of your reflections.


Use the following questions as a guide to help you remain focused on the reflection of your high school career. THESE ARE ONLY GUIDES.

1. Examine and discuss how you’ve changed over the past four years in terms of handling situations involving other people, either personally or socially.
2. Examine and discuss the way you’ve changed over the past four years in terms of how you relate to the larger community, looking at the adult role you hope to play in that community.
3. Examine how your values have changed in the past four years, looking at the ways your education has facilitated or prompted that change.
4. Describe your sensibility as a person—what are your feelings about things and what role do those feelings play in your decision-making and thought?


Since this is the final essay of the year, it will be counted as your final test. This essay will be worth a total of 200 points.

40 pts for the focus on your reflection
40 pts for the content of your reflection
40 pts for the organization of your reflection
40 pts for the style of your writing
40 pts for the conventions (grammar/spelling/word choice/etc.)

1.4.11.A Write narrative pieces

1.5.11A Write with a sharp, distinct focus

Monday, May 4, 2009

Deserted Island


Each student should complete the following:
DUE DATE: Research: (notes and notebook)
Library Days: 5/5, 5/6, 5/7 --Research is due Friday, 5/8

Paper due Date: Wednesday, 5/27.
STYLE: Diary/Journal or Memoirs (as if you were writing your story towards the end of life)

SITUATION: You have been banished by the great and all powerful composition teacher Mrs. Christian. I have grown weary of giving out detentions and you are going to suffer the most severe consequences. To show that I am not totally heartless, you will have the choice of Islands that you may use for your banishment. It is important to keep in mind that this is your permanent home and rescue will NOT happen.

1. The first thing that you must do is research (yes, that’s what I said) the island of your choosing. You will need to focus on a few elements in particular so that they may be added as details within your writing.
a. describe the location of the island as well as the name
b. describe the island itself – climate, landscape, etc
c. describe what kind of food sources are available
• animals (meats)
• fruits
• water
• fish

  • Students will research the area in which they are stranded.

  • Dangers such as poisonous snakes, insects and plants

  • (Also, find flowers that are safe to eat or can be used for seasonings. How do you get salt from salt water?)

  • You will want to research trees/ types of wood for building and burning

  • Plants, animals, climate/ weather, people, foods, customs, seasons, water temps., types of natural disasters...ex. tornadoes, volcanoes --Original settlers --Sea life, nuts, berries (any type of vegetation)

  • All content must be appropriate for school and approved by Mrs. Christian

2. You will NEED to cite your sources: This means that you need a works cited page at the end of your diary/journal or memoir.

3. Since I am a nice teacher, I am tempering your punishment with some kindness. You will be allowed to take a person with you. It may be someone alive, dead, or fictional, (male or female).

There are some rules, however:
a. There will never be children
b. You must explain why you chose this person
c. REMEMBER: you will grow old with this person as the only two on the island.
d. You will have no direct contact with anyone outside of your island: no
airdrops, no visitors.

e. Discuss how you set up your home, daily routines, stories of how you survived on a daily basis.

f. All stories must be authentic to the specified location. What do you do to pass the time or have fun?

4. Your fate on the island may not include anything other than a natural death from old age: no murder, no suicide, no accidental death, no maulings, etc.
5. You and your partner will be packing one suitcase each, but don’t get too excited. There are some rules for this too:
a. You need to consider carefully what you are packing and create a List of those items.
b. You need to explain why you chose those items.


6. You must also take FIVE books with you.
a. They must be real books. Authors and titles are a must.
b. A one year’s subscription to a magazine counts as one book.
c. A series of books by one author may be counted as one book.
d. Finally, you must explain why you chose each of these books.

7. The format, as said earlier, must be in the form of a diary/journal or memoirs written toward the end of life. You must include the following:
a. First two weeks
b. The one year mark
c. The five year mark
d. The ten year mark
e. The twenty year mark

f. The fifty year mark

8. Finally, you need to organize your document in a creative way so that it looks like a diary/journal or memoir.

This link will allow you to download some Journaling template pages that can be saved and used for this assignment.

1.4.11.A Write narrative pieces
1.5.11A Write with a sharp, distinct focus

Friday, May 1, 2009

Reflection Journal

Friday, 5/1

Goal: Students will complete a 1 1/2 page handwritten journal.

Students will write a letter to themselves
1. Discuss something that has changed...ex. An outlook or idea from freshman year, a change in future plans, etc
2. Give advice to yourself. Discuss something that you have learned throughout your four years. Underline this advice. Explain this advice
3. List your future goals/ plans.

This journal will be placed in an envelope. You should open it in 5-10 years. It is always interesting to reflect and evaluate your life.

Monday, April 27, 2009

We will continue the presentations today.

I hope you had a fantastic weekend=-)

Friday, April 24, 2009

Your final draft of your "How To" piece is due today!

Please submit your paper in this order:

1) Your final draft first (on top).
2) Your rough draft (underneath the final draft).
3) Your completed peer-editing sheet. (On the bottom)

You will demonstrate your game to the class. Make sure you are clear and concise when going through the game's directions.

Make sure you have had your rough draft peer-edited. This peer-editing sheet will count as credit towards your final grade of this project.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Today your rough draft for your "How To" piece is due.

Have your rough draft peer-edited by the end of the period.

Tomorrow 4/24 your final draft will be due along with the demonstration of your game.

Please complete this peer editing sheet on a separate piece of paper and submit it to me by the end of the period. (Do not type)

Peer Editing Sheet
Writer’s name________________________________
Editor’s name_________________________________

Does the writer answer the four questions to the assignment in a clear and organized manner? If not, make suggestions on how he/she could improve the paper’s structure.

Are the directions for the game clear and concise? Can you understand how to play the game?

Does the writer include research about the history of the game?

Has the writer cited correctly according to MLA format?

Does writer include a works cited page? Is it correct?

What did you like about this piece of writing?

What did you dislike about this piece?

What improvements can you suggest, especially to add to increase reader interest?

Thank you for your careful consideration of your classmate's writing.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

How To Assignment

Directions: For your “How To” piece, I would like you to write about one of your favorite childhood games. You will explain step-by-step how to play the game. The directions must be clear in order for others to understand how to play the game.

I would also like you to include:
-The history of the game. Where did it originate?
-How did the game come about? Who created it?
- Why is the game your favorite?
-Why would others want to play the game you have chosen?

*The four questions must be answered in paragraph form.

*The format to use for when you explain how to play the game is up to you. (Directions of how to play the game)

*You are required to research where the game originated from and how it came about. You must cite your sources for this portion of the assignment.

*This paper should be at least 1 page long.

*After you have written your papers you will be required to bring in the game and show the class how to play it during a mini presentation.

Due: Friday 4/24

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A Day of Reflection

Please answer the following questions in a 2 page journal entry.

Today we are going to reflect on your future. What does the future have in store for you?

1. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
2. What will the state of the world be like in 10 years? (Think about technology, education, environment ect.)
3. What will typical family life be like?
4. What is your opinion on the future of our economy?
5. What career would you like to have in the future. Why would you be interested in this particular career?
6. What accomplishments would you like to make in the future?
7. What people will surround you in the future? Will you still be friends with the people in high school? Explain why or why not.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Today is the day! All of your projects must be handed in and presented today. We will place your poster boards and food in the back room. I am very excited to see what you have come up with!

Before we actually start to eat and view the projects that you have worked so hard on, I would like you to make a 3-5 minute introduction about the place you have chosen.

Please answer these questions:

1) What place did you choose and why?
2) What fact or piece of information did you find most interesting and why?
3) What did you like most about this project?
4) What did you have most trouble with?
5) What dish of food have you brought in and why?

You may mention other things if you'd like. Just make sure you mention this information when giving this breif introduction.

Thank you so much for all your hard work! I hope you had fun and I'm sure all of you did a fantastic job!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Today you will be working on your rough drafts for your culture assignment.

If you are finished with your rough draft and it has already been peer-edited please spend this time working on your brochure and poster board.

Please take note of the project due dates that I have updated below.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Due Dates For Culture Assignment

Today you will be starting on your rough draft of your essay in class.

You may go to the library if you are not finished researching.

Have a wonderful break! Relax and have fun=-)

Here are the due dates for the culture assignment:

*4/14-4/15- Finalize peer editing. Work on brochures and poster board with partner in class.

*4/16- Day that paper, food, brochure and poster board will be handed in. This is the day when everything is due for the project. So, remember to have your food ready by this day. If you need help with anything at all please let me know!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Culture Assignment

*The next assignment you will be working on will be an informative writing piece.

* We will be in the library on Friday 4/3 and Monday 4/6 doing research for this assignment. You are only to use the databases and books that are introduced to you.

*The library will be available to you Tuesday 4/7 as well in case you need more time to do research.

*Keep in mind that you need information for your brochure and poster board.

Here is what you will need to do for the culture assignment:

This paper will require you to research and explore a country of your choice. You may work with one other person for this assignment. Each person will choose a separate topic to research on his or her country. For example one person could research his or her country’s traditions while the other person researches the country’s food. I would like each person to research two topics for his or her country. You want to focus on the country’s culture; what elements contribute to that culture? You will find many interesting ideas when researching different aspects of your country.
This paper should be a minimum of three pages in length, you will be able to find plenty of information to write about for this assignment.

Together you will complete a poster board that will display pictures, specific facts and anything else that you find interesting about your country. You will only need one poster between partners.

Together you will also complete a brochure that displays different areas of the country along with interesting facts, details and activities that a person could do if they were to travel to that particular place. You must include specific facts about your country in your brochure. It should be vibrant and colorful! You may also display other elements on your brochure. Anything that you find particularly interesting!

Along with your poster and brochure, I would like you to bring in a popular food within that region. We will bring in food towards the end of the project after the papers are handed in. After finishing the paper you will bring to class your brochure, poster board, and food which will be displayed around the room. This will give you a wonderful opportunity to learn about different cultures and gain a taste of ethnic foods!

Here are some topics you could research:

Country’s climate




Government: this could include the country’s different laws








*You are not limited to the topics above. If you think of another interesting topic that you would like to do please let me know!

Monday, March 30, 2009

*I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend=-)

*We will continue our PowerPoint presenations today and tomorrow. You have all done a fantastic job on your projects.

*I am happy with all the hard work you have done!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

You will turn in your final draft at the beginning of class today in the manila folder in front of the room.

You have the whole class period today to work on your presentations.

*Remember that your presentations will be due on Thursday.

Keep up the good work you are doing great!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Introduction to PowerPoint


Notebooks will be handed back today.

Introduction to the presentation for the Person of the Century Award.

Requirements for PowerPoint Presentation:

1) Thirteen total slides.

2) Three of those slides will include your title page, works cited, and bibliography.

3) One slide towards the beginning should give a brief background of your person.

4) You will have to include a minimum of three reasons explaining why your person deserves to win the Person of the Century Award.
Here are some suggestions:
- Your person is influential in a positive way.
- Your person is admirable.
- Your person has overcome something challenging in their life in order to achieve certain goals.
- Your person has helped the community and taken part in volunteer work for the good of humanity.
- Your person gives hope to others and has leadership abilities.

5) In order to make those three reasons valid you must back them up with authentic evidence and examples. What has your person actually done that will prove an attribute they might have? How are you going to demonstrate that your person actually portrays those qualities?

6) You must have a minimum of three examples for each reason.

7) You must have some visuals within your PowerPoint.
- Pictures of your person.
- Video clips of your person speaking.

8) You should have an audio clip of your person speaking you could use podcast for them as well.
- You could also have an example of another credible source
speaking about your person in a positive way.
(This is only a suggestion not a requirement! Audio clips may not be available depending upon the person you have chosen.)

*Good job on your research! It is alot of work but keep it up!

*The person that wins the award will receive a prize!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Persuasive Essay

Finish Research notebook. This must be finished by the end of the period or it will not count as a grade.

Complete Persuasion Map. This will help you outline your paper before you begin the writing process.

*The Persuasion Map will be worth 15 points so please make sure you complete it. I will be collecting it at the end of the class period.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Persuasive Essay

Thursday, March 11th:

Today Students will look over and discuss the rubric for the persuasive assignment.

Students will be researching their Person of the Century in the library.

By the end of class today students should have choosen a person that they will be nominating and writing about for the Person of the Century Award.

Friday, March 12th:

Today students will be researching in the library.

The students must collect information and cite three sources in their paper.

Monday, March 15

Final day for research.

Standard: 1.4.11.C
  • Include a clearly stated position.
  • Include convincing, elaborated and properly cited.
  • Develop reader interest.
  • Anticipate and counter reader concerns arguments.
  • Include a variety of mehtods to advance the argument or position.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Persuasive Writing

Goal: Today students will learn how to write and deliver a strong persuasive essay.

Students will start off by watching two short video clips of current commercials.

Students will then go into a discussion about what is compelling and convincing about each commercial. How do these commercials convince you that the product is the best on the market?

What seems to be the main goal in each commercial?
Students will then go into a discussion about persuasive writing.
  • How do we use persuasive writing in our daily lives?
  • What makes a strong persuasive essay?
  • What makes a convincing speaker? (Think about presidents, speakers etc.)

Students will then look over the persuasive writing assignment

  • How it should be written.
  • What should be included.
  • Some suggestions on how to strengthen your persuasive essay.

The assignment will be discussed with more detail during class.

Students will then start thinking about what person they will be choosing for The Person of the Century Award.

Students will choose their top three choices and explain how each one is qualified for the award.

Students will receive three days to do research in the library.

Students will also create a 13 slide Power Point project for an oral presentation to follow this paper.

Standard: 1.4.11.C Write persuasive pieces.

  • Include a clearly stated position or opinion.
  • Include a convincing, elaborated and properly cited evidence.
  • Develop reader interest.
  • Anticipate and counter reader concerns and arguments.
  • Include a variety of methods to advance the argument or position.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Research Paragraph 4

-Today we are going to write a paragraph about a famous person.
-You will develop ONE IDEA - Write on ONE aspect of this person

-You will be graded on a well-developed thesis (40% of your essay)
-Stick to one topic/ Theme in the paragraph.
(Your paragraph can not be less than 14 sentences)

Once you are finished, you will incorporate research into this paragraph.
You will cite in the paragraph and create a works cited page.

**Do not begin your research until I have approved your initial paragraph

All papers must be turned in by the end of the period on Tuesday, 3/10

1.5.11C - Write with a distinctive focus

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

News: Paragraph 3

Paragraph 3

Today we are going to read an article in The New York Times.
You should read several news stories in the paper
Select one topic, write your paragraph.
Once you are finished writing your paragraph, incorporate research and create a works cited page.

1. Classroom Account: (click below)

2.. Account number: 200276996

3. When you get to the Classroom Subscription landing page, click on the newspaper image to launch the Electronic Edition.

1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced

Friday, February 27, 2009

Paragraph 2

Friday and Monday 3/2

-Today we are going to write a paragraph about education.
-You will develop ONE IDEA - An aspect from your educational career
-EX: More Math, Incorporate Foreign Language in elem. school
-Develop ONE IDEA/ Theme in the paragraph.
(Your paragraph can not be less than 14 sentences)

Once you are finished, you will incorporate research into this paragraph.
You will cite in the paragraph and create a works cited page.

All papers must be turned in by the end of the period on Monday, 3/2

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

-Today we are going to write a paragraph about PIZZA.
-Develop ONE IDEA/ Theme in the paragraph.
(Your paragraph can not be less than 14 sentences)

Once you are finished, you will incorporate research into this paragraph.
You will cite in the paragraph and create a works cited page.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Persuasive Essay


**Research days: 2/9-2/17

  • Research will be turned in on 2/17 (Any student who fails to turn in their research notebook with recorded Citations will receive a zero)
  • Rough drafts 2/18 (peer edit)
  • Final drafts 2/23

1. Persuasive Writing
You are to choose a current issue in debate. You must conduct research on the issue.

You must utilize information from any:

  • newspaper article
  • 2 magazine/ journal articles
  • Book

2. You are required to cite information from each source at least once.

3. With the information you gather you will construct a 5 paragraph paper including:

  • an introduction that describes your topic and introduces your opinion
  • 3 body paragraphs with topic sentences and evidence that supports your argument
    finish with a conclusion that wraps up your paper and leaves the reader with a lasting impression of your argument
  • Remember! The objective of a persuasive paper is to get the reader to feel the way you do about the subject. If your argument is valid and reliable, it will be logical and your claim will be backed up with factual evidence.
  • This paper must be written in THIRD PERSON
  • Using First or Second Person will result in a 30% deduction!

1.5.11C - Write with a distinctive focus

Monday, February 2, 2009

Finish Historical Fiction

2/2 - 2/3
Finish your stories.
Make sure your drafts have been proofed by 4 people
Please turn them in with ALL research

We will read score and comment on each story in the class
-Use the class-created rubric to score each story
-Be sure to include a comment on the back of each rubric

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Historical Fiction

Tuesday, 1/21 - Library research day

Wednesday 1/22- 1/30
-Complete pre-writing activity and turn in
-Complete Historical Fiction assignment

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A day of reflection

Comp students will write in their response journals

1. Students will reflect on the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King
A. Discuss his movement
B. Listen to the first media announcement of his assassination
C. Discuss public reaction

2. Students will view and discuss the Presidential inauguration (via live streaming video)

Library day: research day. All work must be turned in by the end of the period

Monday, January 12, 2009

Historical Fiction

Writing historical fiction gives the writer a sense of real, live people living in history

In this lesson, students will choose some period of history and write a fictional short story. Remember, the historical facts need to be true.

Students will learn:
* About historical fiction stories
* How to write a historical fiction story

I. Historical Fiction stories are short stories that are fiction (made up), but some of the elements are true.

For example, you could write a story about pilgrims. The writer would discuss the true elements about the pilgrims, but the characters are fictional and the other plot elements are fictional.

II. Students will keep a research notebook and formulate a BIBLIOGRAPHY PAGE as they collect their notes. **Please indicate page numbers in your notebooks.

III. Topics:

-Your plot will formulate around this time period.

ALL AREAS BELOW (SECTIONS A AND B) MUST BE INCLUDED IN YOUR RESEARCH NOTEBOOK. It will give you a better understanding of the time period. However, the items in section A MUST appear in your story.

A. In your story, you must reference the following:
-The economy of the time
-Cooking / food popular to the region and date
-Cost of household necessities
-Fashion - Indicate the characters clothing
-Entertainment: popular music, books, magazines, plays, or movies
-Social rules and customs/ cultural traditions
-Contemporary slang and other language etiquette

B. Required Research- BUT optional items that may be included in your paper
Form of government
famous "firsts" of that year
A Person or people who lived and were famous for positive achievements during the research year
House and furniture design
Occupations and salaries

IV. Pre-Writing (Must be handed in with your final draft)
1. Indicate your time period/ date
2. Indicate your setting (Location)
3. Indicate your characters
4. Write the basic concept for your story
5. Indicate problems to be encountered by the main characters. How will they solve the dilemma?
an important decision needs to be made
a secret needs to be confessed to someone else
a person's pride has been injured
a death has occurred someone has found or lost something
someone has accused someone else of doing something wrong
reminiscing on how things have changed
someone feels like giving up
something embarrassing has just happened
someone has just reached an important goal

Extra Resources:
On the History Channel's This Day in History, students can type in their year or even a decade and find lots of good information to choose from:

Due Dates:

The research portion of this assignment is due by January 16. (It might be wise not to waste any time in the library)
You will have a rough draft prepared for peer editing on January 23.
Your final draft will be due January 30.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Movie Review

WELCOME BACK! I know that you are all excited for the new year. I hope that you enjoyed your time off, but it is time to get back to work. Let's start you off with something relatively easy.

Assignment: Find a review on the Internet of a recently released (in theater or on DVD) movie that you have seen.

1. Write a summary of the review

include key points made by the author
include positives and negatives that the author makes

2. Write a one paragraph opinion on the review

Share 2 points that you agreed with
Share 2 points you disagreed with

3. Write a one-paragraph opinion of the movie.

What was your favorite scene in the movie?
Which actor/actress did you like the best?
Why would you recommend this movie to others?
4. Copy and paste the review into a word document and print it with your assignment.


This Review is due on Friday, January 9, 2009