Thursday, April 23, 2009

Today your rough draft for your "How To" piece is due.

Have your rough draft peer-edited by the end of the period.

Tomorrow 4/24 your final draft will be due along with the demonstration of your game.

Please complete this peer editing sheet on a separate piece of paper and submit it to me by the end of the period. (Do not type)

Peer Editing Sheet
Writer’s name________________________________
Editor’s name_________________________________

Does the writer answer the four questions to the assignment in a clear and organized manner? If not, make suggestions on how he/she could improve the paper’s structure.

Are the directions for the game clear and concise? Can you understand how to play the game?

Does the writer include research about the history of the game?

Has the writer cited correctly according to MLA format?

Does writer include a works cited page? Is it correct?

What did you like about this piece of writing?

What did you dislike about this piece?

What improvements can you suggest, especially to add to increase reader interest?

Thank you for your careful consideration of your classmate's writing.