Wednesday, April 22, 2009

How To Assignment

Directions: For your “How To” piece, I would like you to write about one of your favorite childhood games. You will explain step-by-step how to play the game. The directions must be clear in order for others to understand how to play the game.

I would also like you to include:
-The history of the game. Where did it originate?
-How did the game come about? Who created it?
- Why is the game your favorite?
-Why would others want to play the game you have chosen?

*The four questions must be answered in paragraph form.

*The format to use for when you explain how to play the game is up to you. (Directions of how to play the game)

*You are required to research where the game originated from and how it came about. You must cite your sources for this portion of the assignment.

*This paper should be at least 1 page long.

*After you have written your papers you will be required to bring in the game and show the class how to play it during a mini presentation.

Due: Friday 4/24