Monday, February 9, 2009

Persuasive Essay


**Research days: 2/9-2/17

  • Research will be turned in on 2/17 (Any student who fails to turn in their research notebook with recorded Citations will receive a zero)
  • Rough drafts 2/18 (peer edit)
  • Final drafts 2/23

1. Persuasive Writing
You are to choose a current issue in debate. You must conduct research on the issue.

You must utilize information from any:

  • newspaper article
  • 2 magazine/ journal articles
  • Book

2. You are required to cite information from each source at least once.

3. With the information you gather you will construct a 5 paragraph paper including:

  • an introduction that describes your topic and introduces your opinion
  • 3 body paragraphs with topic sentences and evidence that supports your argument
    finish with a conclusion that wraps up your paper and leaves the reader with a lasting impression of your argument
  • Remember! The objective of a persuasive paper is to get the reader to feel the way you do about the subject. If your argument is valid and reliable, it will be logical and your claim will be backed up with factual evidence.
  • This paper must be written in THIRD PERSON
  • Using First or Second Person will result in a 30% deduction!

1.5.11C - Write with a distinctive focus