Thursday, March 12, 2009

Persuasive Essay

Thursday, March 11th:

Today Students will look over and discuss the rubric for the persuasive assignment.

Students will be researching their Person of the Century in the library.

By the end of class today students should have choosen a person that they will be nominating and writing about for the Person of the Century Award.

Friday, March 12th:

Today students will be researching in the library.

The students must collect information and cite three sources in their paper.

Monday, March 15

Final day for research.

Standard: 1.4.11.C
  • Include a clearly stated position.
  • Include convincing, elaborated and properly cited.
  • Develop reader interest.
  • Anticipate and counter reader concerns arguments.
  • Include a variety of mehtods to advance the argument or position.