Monday, January 5, 2009

Movie Review

WELCOME BACK! I know that you are all excited for the new year. I hope that you enjoyed your time off, but it is time to get back to work. Let's start you off with something relatively easy.

Assignment: Find a review on the Internet of a recently released (in theater or on DVD) movie that you have seen.

1. Write a summary of the review

include key points made by the author
include positives and negatives that the author makes

2. Write a one paragraph opinion on the review

Share 2 points that you agreed with
Share 2 points you disagreed with

3. Write a one-paragraph opinion of the movie.

What was your favorite scene in the movie?
Which actor/actress did you like the best?
Why would you recommend this movie to others?
4. Copy and paste the review into a word document and print it with your assignment.


This Review is due on Friday, January 9, 2009