Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Persuasive Writing

Goal: Today students will learn how to write and deliver a strong persuasive essay.

Students will start off by watching two short video clips of current commercials.

Students will then go into a discussion about what is compelling and convincing about each commercial. How do these commercials convince you that the product is the best on the market?

What seems to be the main goal in each commercial?
Students will then go into a discussion about persuasive writing.
  • How do we use persuasive writing in our daily lives?
  • What makes a strong persuasive essay?
  • What makes a convincing speaker? (Think about presidents, speakers etc.)

Students will then look over the persuasive writing assignment

  • How it should be written.
  • What should be included.
  • Some suggestions on how to strengthen your persuasive essay.

The assignment will be discussed with more detail during class.

Students will then start thinking about what person they will be choosing for The Person of the Century Award.

Students will choose their top three choices and explain how each one is qualified for the award.

Students will receive three days to do research in the library.

Students will also create a 13 slide Power Point project for an oral presentation to follow this paper.

Standard: 1.4.11.C Write persuasive pieces.

  • Include a clearly stated position or opinion.
  • Include a convincing, elaborated and properly cited evidence.
  • Develop reader interest.
  • Anticipate and counter reader concerns and arguments.
  • Include a variety of methods to advance the argument or position.