Monday, April 20, 2009

Today is the day! All of your projects must be handed in and presented today. We will place your poster boards and food in the back room. I am very excited to see what you have come up with!

Before we actually start to eat and view the projects that you have worked so hard on, I would like you to make a 3-5 minute introduction about the place you have chosen.

Please answer these questions:

1) What place did you choose and why?
2) What fact or piece of information did you find most interesting and why?
3) What did you like most about this project?
4) What did you have most trouble with?
5) What dish of food have you brought in and why?

You may mention other things if you'd like. Just make sure you mention this information when giving this breif introduction.

Thank you so much for all your hard work! I hope you had fun and I'm sure all of you did a fantastic job!