Friday, March 5, 2021

Ch 7 Check, Rhetorical Analysis Review, and Book

Monday, 3/8- Work on the Ch 7 FRQ in AP Central - This is the GRADED check.  Due @ Midnight

Tuesday, 3/9- Read and Take notes in EAT, SHOOTS, LEAVES..CH. 1 AND CH. 2.   (Pg 1-68)

*(Please use the Post-its Given to you in class to mark:

A. Key Points

B. Talking/ Discussion Points

C. Quotable Quotes  Due for Friday

3/14-Graded AP Check for Unit 7 - Due Wednesday, 3/10 @ Midnight ..It will take 30 Minutes    **Please plan accordingly

Friday, 3/12-  ( This is an Asynchronous day) DUE BY THE END OF CLASS ON FRIDAY

Read the first 2 Chapters of EAT, SHOOTS, LEAVES

Notes for this assignment are due  before you enter class

Ch 7 AP Graded Progress Check is due on Sunday, 3/14 @ midnight


*We will read the main prompt together and create a SOAPSTONE



1. Approach- 

               A. SOAPSTONE

              B.  What Rhetorical Strategies did the writer select for each essay?

              C. How did they incorporate their Rhetorical Devices in connection to their thesis?

2. Style- What stylistic elements did the writer use?

3. -Language- Evaluate the language utilized throughout the essay

6. Organization- Intro, Organization, Thesis, Parallel , Blueprint - Do they establish the foundation for the overarching thesis?

7. Claims and evidence- Generally jot down the claims in each paragraph and the evidence produced

8. Transitional fluency

9. Notable points from the AP Central Evaluation/ Commentaries

II. Directions:

A. Read the prompt, make your own SOAPSTONE

B. In Groups you will evaluate the essay samples graded by AP Central/ College Board.

C. Evaluate using the guidelines above.

D. Indicate the letter and grade assigned to each essay.

E. After you Review each essay, review the commentary provided by AP Central

III. Prompt:  

Evaluation Resources:

Rhetorical Analysis Prompt:

Sample Essays:


Scoring Guidelines:

Main pg link:

Links with questions and info: