Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Welcome to AP Language and Composition

 Mrs. Theresa Christian

Room 60

Periods 2/3

Planning Period 4

AP Language and Composition Syllabus

Advanced Placement Language and Composition Grades 10 & 11

Course Profile- This course is designed to provide students in grades ten and eleven with college level

instruction in a high school setting. As such, the curriculum will work within the framework of American

literature as it provides opportunities for the development of higher level thinking skills through

increased depth of content at an accelerated pace. Students enrolled in this course will be encouraged

to develop their skills as both insightful readers and effective writers. An emphasis will be placed on

analyzing rhetorical devices and strategies, synthesizing information from multiple sources to support

argument, and developing test-taking skills. To that end, individual studentteacher conferences will

occur regularly. During the writing process, students will have the opportunity to discuss current drafts,

to revise their work, and to submit a final draft which will be eligible for further revision after scoring.

The focus of pre-revision meetings will be individualized; however, common areas will be the use and

development of organizational strategies including rhetorical structure(s) appropriate to the current

assignment, use of transitions, parallel structure, and how to best represent and convey their ideas.

Additionally, peers will examine one another’s drafts using the “Gossipy Reading” Model. This model

requires that two students read aloud the work of a third who is required to remain silent during the

reading and discussion (gossip) about his or her work. Hearing one’s work often provides much insight

as to coherence, clarity, and efficacy. Post-revision feedback will be provided in the form of written

comments from the instructor, opportunity to request clarification, and elaboration at student request.

Course Objectives- Upon completion of this course, students should be able to: 

1. Effectively analyze

and interpret rhetorical devices, strategies, and techniques 

2. Effectively apply rhetorical devices,

strategies, and techniques 

3. Develop original arguments based on readings, research, and personal


4. Effectively synthesize information from multiple sources and varying perspectives to

sustain an original argument 

5. Demonstrate an understanding of the various elements of citations

written in various styles 

6. Demonstrate an understanding and mastery of the conventions of written

English especially diction and syntax 

7. Demonstrate stylistic maturity in written work with an emphasis

on content, purpose, and audience 

8. Effectively utilize the stages of the writing process 9. Define,

understand, and apply academic vocabulary

Assessments- These will include, but not be limited to: 

1. Formal writing with revision 

2. Informal


3. Timed Writing 

4. Homework 

5. Class notes/participation 

6. AP Test Analysis/Debate 


Grading- Formal student writing will be graded based on the nine point AP Rubric. Students will be

provided with the opportunity for revision after teacher/peer conferences. After revision, a new score

will be received based on the same rubric. Informal writing will be graded on the four point scholarly

paragraph rubric. It is important to note that students will also receive points for the completion of and

participation in Test Analysis/Debate, classroom discussion, tests, quizzes, etc. Additionally, all out of

class assignments will be graded (both formally and/or for completion) and will be due at the beginning

of each class period. Marking Period and Final averages will be weighted 1.08% as per the Berwick Area School District’s grading policy.

Texts- 1. In Cold Blood (nonfiction novel) 2. Into the Wild (biography) 3. Prentice Hall Literature: The

American Experience (selected nonfiction texts including poems, speeches, essays, letters, narrative

accounts, and autobiographical excerpts) 4. The Merchant of Venice (drama) 5. The Language of

Composition by Renee Shea, Lawrence Scanlon, and Robin Dissin Aufses (specific selections will be listed

in course outline) 6. Advanced Composition Skills by Steven Fox (specific selections will be listed in

course outline) 7. A Pocket Style Manual 6th Edition by Diana Hacker and Nancy Sommers (pp. 104155

“MLA Papers”) 9. Pride and Prejudice  10. The Crucible  

1. Create a folder in your Google Drive and label it AP Language
2. Bring your laptops
3. Be ready to begin class.  Have all materials called up on your laptop

All work will be graded. Students MUST meet deadlines. Late work will not be accepted. All work must be completed. Partial essays, projects and journals will receive a zero.

Class Expectations:
-All assignments must be turned in before entering the classroom.
-All assignments must be turned in on time
-You are responsible for meeting ALL deadlines. The success of this program is dependent on your contributions.
-All assignments will be graded.
(Partial homework or class work assignments will receive a "0" with no make-ups)
(You MUST learn to be responsible in this class!!)
-The final exam will cover the material from the entire year.
Student expectations
1. Arrive on time.
2. Be prepared to learn. Bring books, pencils, paper, agenda, homework and anything you may need for class.
3. Be respectful of others.
4. Follow directions the first time they are given

Class Rules:

Classroom rules

1.               Wear a mask at all times

2.               Sanitize your area

3.               Books under your chair

4.               No Cell Phones

5.               Bathroom rules: One at a time; Must sign out and in;  Wash your hands

6.               Always sign out if you leave the room for any reason

7.               Drinks on the floor

8.               Sanitizing station outside of room

9.               Manners

10.        Absolutely NO eating in the classroom

11.        Homework must be completed and turned in prior to entering class

12.        Grading

13.        All work must be turned electronically

14.        School rules

15. Always raise your hand

16. One person talks at a time

17.        Be prepared for class

18.        Social distance and Wash your hands


Assignment 1 Read chapter 1 and 2 in Analysis, Argument and Synthesis:
Directions: The chapters are in your Google Drive
Chapter 1:
A.Read the Chapter
B. Take comprehensive notes. (Include key terms, concepts, and examples)
*Please type them on MS Word. You will add to them as we go over the info. next week. ( Also, you never know when there will be a pop quiz.....hmmmmmm.....hint?????)
C. Answer questions 1-12 on page 10. (Use complete Sentences)

Chapter 2:
A.Read the Chapter
B. Take comprehensive notes. (Include key terms, concepts, and examples)
*Please type them on MS Word. You will add to them as we go over the info. next week.
C. Answer questions 1-10 on page 18. (Use complete Sentences)

Due Date:
Day 1 (M/W) Your assignment is due before you enter class on Monday, 8/24
Day 2 (T/Th) Your assignment is due before you walk in to class on Tuesday, 8/25

Assignment 2: Vocabulary Unit 1 *You will find this unit in your in Google Classroom

Complete Unit 1 and use 10 vocab words in original sentences. Be sure to include context clues to help identify each word.

*The Vocab is Due Friday, 8/28 (All sections)

Turn in Unit 1 and the sentences separately. I will explain in class.

All assignments will be turned in to www.turnitin.com

Please turn in to www.turnitin.com 


Please turn in to www.turnitin.com

The assignment must be turned in to www.turnitin.com:


1. go to www.turnitin.com and sign in
*If you forgot your personal password, just click on Forgot Password.
-turnitin.com will send it to you in your email.

2. IF you have a turnitin.com account:
A. You must add the class

Class number:25991076
Enrollment Key:  aplang

3. Upload the Key Point Worksheets to the assignment entitled:
Part1: Key Point Worksheets

 4. Upload the Novel Questions to the assignment entitled:
Novel Questions


1. Go to www.turnitin.com
2. In the upper right corner, click on CREATE NEW ACCOUNT
3. On this page, scroll down until you see Create a New Account / NEW ENROLLMENT
4. Under New Enrollment, Click on Student

A. You must add the class:

Class number:25991076
Enrollment Key:  aplang

**You MUST use your district email.  
(23 = graduation year,  m= first initial, smith= last name)
You must use YOUR personal information

It will also ask you to make a personal password.  You are responsible for remembering this password.  I do not have access to it.
*If you forget your personal password, just click on Forgot Password.
-turnitin.com will send it to you in your email.