Sunday, August 23, 2020

Intro to rhetoric

 Objective: To examine ancient rhetorical tools and apply them to modern text

I will be listing both classes on the blog.  You are responsible for the content, lessons, and deadlines assigned to your class.

Monday, 8/24 and Wednesday, 8/26

Tuesday, 8/25 and Thursday, 8/27

Goals: Review Chapters 1 and 2 in Analysis, Argument, and Synthesis

Students will discuss the chapters and take notes

Students will be able to personally answer: What is Rhetoric?


1.Begin to create a cumulative definition of RHETORIC

2. Provide all aspects of rhetoric and create personal examples (I will let you know when this is due)

3. Work on vocab lesson 1 G and write 10 original sentences

4. Vocab must be turned in to before you enter my virtual class on Friday.