Monday, March 30, 2009

*I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend=-)

*We will continue our PowerPoint presenations today and tomorrow. You have all done a fantastic job on your projects.

*I am happy with all the hard work you have done!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

You will turn in your final draft at the beginning of class today in the manila folder in front of the room.

You have the whole class period today to work on your presentations.

*Remember that your presentations will be due on Thursday.

Keep up the good work you are doing great!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Introduction to PowerPoint


Notebooks will be handed back today.

Introduction to the presentation for the Person of the Century Award.

Requirements for PowerPoint Presentation:

1) Thirteen total slides.

2) Three of those slides will include your title page, works cited, and bibliography.

3) One slide towards the beginning should give a brief background of your person.

4) You will have to include a minimum of three reasons explaining why your person deserves to win the Person of the Century Award.
Here are some suggestions:
- Your person is influential in a positive way.
- Your person is admirable.
- Your person has overcome something challenging in their life in order to achieve certain goals.
- Your person has helped the community and taken part in volunteer work for the good of humanity.
- Your person gives hope to others and has leadership abilities.

5) In order to make those three reasons valid you must back them up with authentic evidence and examples. What has your person actually done that will prove an attribute they might have? How are you going to demonstrate that your person actually portrays those qualities?

6) You must have a minimum of three examples for each reason.

7) You must have some visuals within your PowerPoint.
- Pictures of your person.
- Video clips of your person speaking.

8) You should have an audio clip of your person speaking you could use podcast for them as well.
- You could also have an example of another credible source
speaking about your person in a positive way.
(This is only a suggestion not a requirement! Audio clips may not be available depending upon the person you have chosen.)

*Good job on your research! It is alot of work but keep it up!

*The person that wins the award will receive a prize!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Persuasive Essay

Finish Research notebook. This must be finished by the end of the period or it will not count as a grade.

Complete Persuasion Map. This will help you outline your paper before you begin the writing process.

*The Persuasion Map will be worth 15 points so please make sure you complete it. I will be collecting it at the end of the class period.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Persuasive Essay

Thursday, March 11th:

Today Students will look over and discuss the rubric for the persuasive assignment.

Students will be researching their Person of the Century in the library.

By the end of class today students should have choosen a person that they will be nominating and writing about for the Person of the Century Award.

Friday, March 12th:

Today students will be researching in the library.

The students must collect information and cite three sources in their paper.

Monday, March 15

Final day for research.

Standard: 1.4.11.C
  • Include a clearly stated position.
  • Include convincing, elaborated and properly cited.
  • Develop reader interest.
  • Anticipate and counter reader concerns arguments.
  • Include a variety of mehtods to advance the argument or position.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Persuasive Writing

Goal: Today students will learn how to write and deliver a strong persuasive essay.

Students will start off by watching two short video clips of current commercials.

Students will then go into a discussion about what is compelling and convincing about each commercial. How do these commercials convince you that the product is the best on the market?

What seems to be the main goal in each commercial?
Students will then go into a discussion about persuasive writing.
  • How do we use persuasive writing in our daily lives?
  • What makes a strong persuasive essay?
  • What makes a convincing speaker? (Think about presidents, speakers etc.)

Students will then look over the persuasive writing assignment

  • How it should be written.
  • What should be included.
  • Some suggestions on how to strengthen your persuasive essay.

The assignment will be discussed with more detail during class.

Students will then start thinking about what person they will be choosing for The Person of the Century Award.

Students will choose their top three choices and explain how each one is qualified for the award.

Students will receive three days to do research in the library.

Students will also create a 13 slide Power Point project for an oral presentation to follow this paper.

Standard: 1.4.11.C Write persuasive pieces.

  • Include a clearly stated position or opinion.
  • Include a convincing, elaborated and properly cited evidence.
  • Develop reader interest.
  • Anticipate and counter reader concerns and arguments.
  • Include a variety of methods to advance the argument or position.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Research Paragraph 4

-Today we are going to write a paragraph about a famous person.
-You will develop ONE IDEA - Write on ONE aspect of this person

-You will be graded on a well-developed thesis (40% of your essay)
-Stick to one topic/ Theme in the paragraph.
(Your paragraph can not be less than 14 sentences)

Once you are finished, you will incorporate research into this paragraph.
You will cite in the paragraph and create a works cited page.

**Do not begin your research until I have approved your initial paragraph

All papers must be turned in by the end of the period on Tuesday, 3/10

1.5.11C - Write with a distinctive focus

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

News: Paragraph 3

Paragraph 3

Today we are going to read an article in The New York Times.
You should read several news stories in the paper
Select one topic, write your paragraph.
Once you are finished writing your paragraph, incorporate research and create a works cited page.

1. Classroom Account: (click below)

2.. Account number: 200276996

3. When you get to the Classroom Subscription landing page, click on the newspaper image to launch the Electronic Edition.

1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced