Friday, December 12, 2008

Personality Sketch

Our next assignment deals with you getting to know someone in greater depth. You will be writing a personality sketch on your interviewee that will detail all of the things you have learned about them. So how do you go about doing this:

First: Choose someone in your circle of friendships that you know, but may not be extremely close to. I don't want it to be your best friend(s) who you know so well that you could write about them while blindfolded with two hands tied behind your back.

Be sure to ask the person you choose for permission to write about them
Tell them what the project is so they are aware of it.
Second: Get a copy of the Personality Sketch Questionnaire from me and use these questions to guide your towards the information that you will need to complete the sketch.

Do Not Be Afraid to ask more questions than those on the questionnaire.
Third: Once you have completed the questionnaire, develop a Personality statement about your person similar to the one in the example that Mr. Plyler has provided--

You must also include a brief description of their physical characteristics
Include a brief description of their Deed and Actions
Finally, a Persona description (that's you!)
Refer to the example on my wikki using the link above.
Fourth: Using the notes you have from interviewing your chosen subject, complete a personality sketch that details that person. You will want to highlight a characteristic about the person and then provide evidence that supports that trait. You can find notes on how to write a sketch at these links: