FRIDAY, 4/1/2022
-Review Synthesis Essay Evaluations:
MONDAY, 4/4- CH 8 MCQ (Timed and Graded Progress Check)
Tuesday, 4/5- CH 8 FRQ- Timed and graded ARGUMENT Essay in class- 40 min
Wednesday, 4/6- Ch 11 in AP text: Rhetorical Fallacies (LAST READING CHAPTER!!!)
Thursday, 4/7- Mockingbird Turn you assignment in to and have your Post It Notes ready to be checked.
Unit 9 Videos:
Sunday, 4/10
Wednesday, 4/13- Last 2 videos EVER
1. Take notes
A. Write key concepts
B. Terms/ concepts with explanations- I have noticed that you are not fully explaining the concepts and examples.
a. clip and paste examples into your notes
b. explain examples after each pasted example from the video
3. Explain examples and notes
4. Make a TAKE AWAY section at the end of each video. Provide personal tips learned from the content AND/ OR ANALYSIS OF EACH VIDEO.
Next Full AP Exam will be due on Sunday, April 24, 2022@ midnight
*see college board
*** This test will be graded using the AP scale (0-5) However, you will receive BONUS: There is an assigned AP Exam (195 minutes total)
You must take the MCQ section in one sitting- (it is 1 hour)
You must take the FRQ section in one sitting - (it is 2 hours and 15 minutes)
I will be staying 2 days after school, like last exam.
It is optional. HOWEVER, IF YOU COMPLETE THE EXAM and score a 2 , YOU WILL RECEIVE 25 BONUS POINTS (These points are awarded for completing the exam)
PLUS : (There's more....The better you do, the more points you will receive)
3 = +10
4 = +20
5= + 30
Imagine receiving up to 55 bonus points!!!!!!!!
The exam must be completed by Sunday, 4/24/2022 @ 11.45PM
Use your Albert calculator:
You must fully complete all three essays/ FRQs and all MCQs
**for those who take the test seriously, and score a 1, you will receive 15 points
(It times you, and your time is recorded.)