Sunday, January 2, 2022

Unit 4 Practice Quiz and videos on AP Classroom

1/3- Practice Quiz  for Unit 4

These activities will be graded.

1/5 -Progress Checks for Unit 4 MCQ- 26 min

1/6- How to handle MCQ's in text pg 52

1/7 Progress Check  for Unit 4-FRQ- 1 hour

1/7-  6 Videos for Unit 5 are due to by midnight. Sunday, 1/9


1. Take notes

A. Write key concepts

B. Terms/ concepts with explanations- I have noticed that you are not fully explaining the concepts and examples.


a. clip and paste examples into your notes

b. explain examples after each pasted example from the video

3. Explain examples and notes

4. Make a TAKE AWAY section at the end of each video.  Provide personal tips learned from the content AND/ OR ANALYSIS OF EACH VIDEO.

Newspaper Articles due 1/18