Monday, May 2, 2022

Review" Rhetorical Devices/Rhetorical Analysis

Rhetoric PowerPoints

Review of Rhetorical devices/ rhetorical modes 

I Have a Dream 

I  have a dream

A. Listen to the speech
B. Take notes when you locate rhetorical devices utilized
C. Use ch 9/10.  find two modes used from each ch.
(indicate example/ type of rhetoric/ and reason why it is utilized/ how it is utilized

Practice these skills with either “I Have a Dream” 

Literary Analysis

persuasive speech is a speech that tries to convince listeners to think or act in a certain way. Persuasive speeches may appeal to reason or emotion or both. In order to engage the audience, speakers often include rhetorical devices, patterns of words and ideas that create emphasis and stir emotion in the audience. Common rhetorical devices include the following:
  • Parallelism: repeating a grammatical structure or an arrangement of words to create a sense of rhythm and momentum
  • Restatement: expressing the same idea in different words to clarify and stress key points
  • Repetition: expressing different ideas using the same words or images in order to reinforce concepts and unify the speech
  • Analogy: drawing a comparison that shows a similarity between unlike things

Reading Skill

Persuasive techniques are devices used to influence the audience in favor of the author’s argument. In addition to presenting evidence in a persuasive speech, a speaker may also use emotionally charged language and rhetorical devices, such as those listed above.
To analyze and evaluate persuasive techniques, read aloud to hear the effect. Notice the emotional impact of certain words and the rhythm and momentum created by specific word patterns. Consider both the purpose and effect of these persuasive techniques. Use a chart like the one shown to organize your analysis.

Plus the terms in your text chapters 9 and 10
Find two devices utilized in this speech in each chapter.
Writer the term and the example.