Monday, September 15, 2008

Personal Statement/ College Application Essay

Monday, 9/15-Thursday, 9/18
Goal: To gain a more in-depth understanding about themselves, students will complete a reflection exercise

Monday and Tuesday:
1. Students will answer the personal reflection questionnaire
2. Students will interview four people. These people must be well-acquainted with the student: Parent, friend, employer, family member

3. Students will organize their responses and be ready to utilize their data

1. Select an appropriate essay
2. Brainstorm ideas
3. highlight sections from your research to include in your essay

Begin rough draft

Personal Reflection for College Essay

Answer the following questions;
1. Discuss activities or contributions that have benefited others (Personal, local, national or international levels)
2. List ten words that would best describe you.
3. What is your personal philosophy/ motto
4. Do you live your life according to your philosophy? Give an example
5. Who are the most important people in your life? Why
6. Who are the most influential people in your life? Why
7. If you could switch places with one person for a day, who would it be? Why?
8. List 10 of your favorites…food, color, etc.
9. What qualities do you look for in a friend? Why?
10. How does a person become your friend?
11. Describe a typical day
12. Describe a perfect day
13. Hobbies
14. Extra-curricular activities
15. What qualities do you think a successful person should have?
Select one of the following:
16. Discuss an experience that has influenced your life or changed your viewpoint
17. Discuss your dream

Have at least four people answer the following questions:
1. What are my best qualities/ features? Why? List at least 4
2. How would you describe my personality?
3. What are my strengths?
4. List a field of study that I may find interesting
5. What qualities do you think a successful person should have?
6. How do you define true success?