Thursday, August 28, 2008

Writing Sample


Edvard Munch

Reflective writing

The need to think reflectively improves your ability to read critically and analyse ideas presented in class as well as daily experiences. As you write, you clarify your own understanding. The process of thinking and writing reflectively helps you to lay philosophical foundations all of your creative work.

Thinking reflectively helps you:

understand the concept of reflective writing
recognise the benefits of reflecting on your developing an idea or philosophy
ASSIGNMENT: Study the painting below. Place yourself in the composition and experience the message that the artist, Edvard Munch, is attempting to convey. If you are the person Munch is painting, what have you just experienced? Why are you here? What is Edvard Munch's message? What do you see? Incorporate the following concepts into your essay:

1. Your emotional reaction

2. What emotion is being expressed?

3. How do the colors influence the emotional impact? (Comment on the use of color, direction, brushstrokes used)