Monday, December 13, 2021

Ch 9, videos, and bonus


 Opportunity does not knock, it presents itself when you beat down the door.

(Kyle Chandler)



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12/13-12/14- TEXT - Chapter 9 (184-192)- Read, discuss, and take notes.


Unit 4 Video notes:



1. Take notes

A. Write key concepts

B. Terms/ concepts with explanations- I have noticed that you are not fully explaining the concepts and examples.


a. clip and paste examples into your notes

b. explain examples after each pasted example from the video

3. Explain examples and notes

4. Make a TAKE AWAY section at the end of each video.  Provide personal tips learned from the content AND/ OR ANALYSIS OF EACH VIDEO.

Due: Wednesday, 12/15 by midnight

Unit 4

4: Skill 1.A Daily Video 1In this video, we will focus on identifying the choices the writer makes given the audience of the rhetorical situation.

4: Skill 1.A Daily Video 2In this video, we will focus on identifying the choices the writer makes given the exigence and occasion of the rhetorical situation.

4: Skill 1.A Daily Video 3In this video, we will focus on identifying the choices the writer makes given the purpose of the rhetorical situation.

Due: Friday, 12/17 by midnight

Unit 4

4: Skill 2.A Daily Video 1In this video, we will focus on writing an appropriate introduction for the rhetorical analysis essay.

4: Skill 2.A Daily Video 2In this video, we will focus on writing an appropriate introduction for the synthesis essay (Q1) and argument essay (Q3).

4: Skill 2.A Daily Video 3In this video, we will focus on writing an appropriate conclusion for an argument essay.

Due: Sunday, 12/19 by midnight

Unit 4

4: Skill 3.B Daily Video 1In this video, we will focus on identifying the parts of an argument that support the overarching thesis.

4: Skill 3.B Daily Video 2In this video, we will focus on how to discern the figurative meaning of a text to understand its overarching thesis.

4: Skill 5.C Daily Video 1In this video, we will focus on the various ways an author might develop a text through the method of comparison-contrast.

4: Skill 5.C Daily Video 2In this video, we will focus on the ways an author might develop a text through the methods of definition and description.

Due Wednesday, 12/22 by midnight  

(You will be able to work on these in class from Monday, 12/20-Wednesday, 12/22)

4: Skill 5.C Daily Video 3In this video, we will focus on recognizing and explaining the use of methods of development in the context of the multiple-choice section of the AP English Language and Composition Exam.

4: Skill 6.C Daily Video 1In this video, we will focus on outlining and advancing an argument through the method of comparison-contrast.

4: Skill 6.C Daily Video 2In this video, we will focus on advancing an argument through the methods of definition and description.

4: Skill 4.B Daily Video 2In this video, we will focus on writing a thesis statement that previews the line of reasoning, whether explicitly or implicitly.

4: Skill 4.B Daily Video 3In this video, we will focus on improving the quality of a thesis statement by incorporating qualifiers.



***BONUS: There is an assigned AP Exam (195 minutes total)  

You must take the MCQ section in one sitting- (it is 1 hour)

You must take the FRQ section in one sitting - (it is 2 hours and 15 minutes)

       It is optional.  HOWEVER, IF YOU COMPLETE THE EXAM and score a 2 , YOU WILL RECEIVE 25 BONUS POINTS  (These points are awarded for completing the exam)

PLUS : (There's more....The better you do, the more points you will receive)

3 = +5 

4 =   +10  

5= + 20

Imagine receiving up to 45 bonus points!!!!!!!!

The exam must be completed by Sunday, 1/9 @ 11.45PM

I understand at this point, you are familiar with the Synthesis Essay.  However, it is still very possible for you to  aquire bonus points.  Use your Albert calculator:

You must fully complete all three essays/ FRQs and all MCQs

**for those who take the test seriously, and score a 1, you will receive 15 points

(It times you, and your time is recorded.)  

Monday, December 6, 2021

 **Progress checks on AP Classroom will be on Monday/ Tuesday- 12/6-12/7

12/15-There is a review Quiz on AP Classroom due on 12/15 @ midnight.  (All 3 units)

Argument Essay RD due Tuesday, 12/6 by midnight.


Argument Essay:

Shoeless Joe Prompt:


Newspaper Article Notes:



***BONUS: There is an assigned AP Exam (195 minutes total)  

You must take the MCQ section in one sitting- (it is 1 hour)

You must take the FRQ section in one sitting - (it is 2 hours and 15 minutes)

       It is optional.  HOWEVER, IF YOU COMPLETE THE EXAM and score a 2 , YOU WILL RECEIVE 25 BONUS POINTS  (These points are awarded for completing the exam)

PLUS : (There's more....The better you do, the more points you will receive)

3 = +5 

4 =   +10  

5= + 20

Imagine receiving up to 45 bonus points!!!!!!!!

The exam must be completed by Sunday, 1/9 @ 11.45PM

I understand at this point, you are familiar with the Synthesis Essay.  However, it is still very possible for you to  aquire bonus points.  Use your Albert calculator:

You must fully complete all three essays/ FRQs and all MCQs

**for those who take the test seriously, and score a 1, you will receive 15 points

(It times you, and your time is recorded.)  

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Argument Essay

 12/1- Intro to Argument Essay

Text:  Read Pages 150-160

Hmk:  Mark up the student example essays in your text.  Make points and Take Away sections about both essays.

In class on Thursday, 12/4- List the similarities and differences from:  Rhetorical Analysis Essays

and on a separate sheet, List the similarities and differences from the Synthesis Essay

Due 12/5: Practice Quizzes 3A and 3B by midnight.

**Progress checks on AP Classroom will be on Monday/ Tuesday- 12/6-12/7

12/15-There is a review Quiz on AP Classroom due on 12/15 @ midnight.  (All 3 units)


Argument Essay:

Shoeless Joe Prompt:


Newspaper Article Notes:



***BONUS: There is an assigned AP Exam (195 minutes total)  

You must take the MCQ section in one sitting- (it is 1 hour)

You must take the FRQ section in one sitting - (it is 2 hours and 15 minutes)

       It is optional.  HOWEVER, IF YOU COMPLETE THE EXAM and score a 2 , YOU WILL RECEIVE 25 BONUS POINTS  (These points are awarded for completing the exam)

PLUS : (There's more....The better you do, the more points you will receive)

3 = +5 

4 =   +10  

5= + 20

Imagine receiving up to 45 bonus points!!!!!!!!

The exam must be completed by Sunday, 1/9 @ 11.45PM

I understand at this point, you are familiar with the Synthesis Essay.  However, it is still very possible for you to  aquire bonus points.  Use your Albert calculator:

You must fully complete all three essays/ FRQs and all MCQs

**for those who take the test seriously, and score a 1, you will receive 15 points

(It times you, and your time is recorded.)  

Newspaper articles:

 Writing a News Story:

Planning Sheet:

A. Inverted Pyramid Power Point- Story structure

Please take notes on this PP

Story Structure Review Notes

Write full news stories

Follow the inverted pyramid format


2nd paragraph explains lead

Body:  Most impt. info to least

           Quotes, attribution

            several paragraphs




First Paragraph: Lead

-1-4 sentences

-Most impt.  of the 5 W’s and H

-Most impt. detail first.

Second Paragraph: Explains the lead

More in depth and explains the elements in the lead (1-3 paragraphs….)

Body:  Most impt. Info to least impt. Info.

-Quotes: Direct, partial, or paraphrased


*Each new speaker is a new paragraph.

-When you quote, you’re going to use “said”

-attribution- credit 

Olivia Smith, sophomore band member said,   

  • Second time you refer to them in the article, only use last name

  • Smith



-“for more info”



With reviews, you still follow the inverted pyramid style. In reviews you do not need to incorporate direct quotes, but you still need to interview. 

General Reviews:

  1. Write opinions with examples. You have to support what you say. 

  2. Be honest, use integrity and be open minded.

  3. You may use first person in one-two paragraphs.

  4. Make your reader want to become involved.

  5. Include all sides, the positive and negatives. 

  6. Avoid clichés, anything that is overused.  

  7. Make sure you keep all permanent information. 

  8. No quotes

  9. Approach each work with willingness to be convince that it’s well done

  10. Realize criticism need no to be constructive or mean

  11. Keep any information needed to support comparison or contrast 

  12. back up opinions with examples

  13. before you review look for backgrounds and works similar or previously completed

Product Reviews:

  1. Start with lead or information about the product

  2. What does it do or what purpose does it serve?

  3. What audience is it geared toward: location, age, sex, and race?

  4. Does it work and is it useful?

  5. What is the difficulty level?

  6. How much does it cost and where can you get one?

  7. Never refer to the product as “thing” or “it”

  8. List reasons as to why the product should or should not be purchased

  9. Who endorses the product?

Movie Reviews:

  1. Always written in the compare/contrast format

  2. Compare actors roles and previous roles other movies, old movies, and current movies

  3. Reviews should surround all aspects of the entire movies

  4. Tell what type of movie it is

  5. Discuss the purpose of the movie

  6. Evaluate the story line- Always tell what type of movie it is and include as any aspects as you can

  7. Talk about:

  • Acting

  • Sets and location

  • Camera work

  • Lighting

  • Musical score

  • Cast

  • Story line

  • Themes that are carried in the movie

  • Stand out dialogue

  1. Provide enough information to intrigue the reader and get their attention

  2. What makes the film worth seeing or not worth seeing?

  3. Never reveal the whole plot (don’t tell ending)

  4. Tell human emotions portrayed in the ending

  5. Use synonyms (use good word choices)

  6. What is the purpose of the movie?

  7. Was it believable or interesting?

  8. Include rating

  9. Where is it playing or available?

  10. Mention if there are any sequels coming up 

  11. Use synonyms and adjectives

Talk about the theme in the movies

  1. give enough information about the movies to get the reader attention without revealing the ending 

  2. talk about human emotions

  3. tell the purpose of the movie

  4. ask the following questions and answer them in the review

  5. Is it worth seeing?

  6. Is it believable?

  7. Should people pay money to view this film?

  8. Mention any upcoming sequels and include the rating at the end

Music Reviews:

  1. Never use the word album (when talking about cds)

  2. Can compare and contrast artists or songs on the cd

  3. Always discuss the vocals

  4. Pick a song that was released (try to make it two or three)

  5. Use direct quotes from lyrics (if they contain no profanities

  6. What message did the artist send?

  7. Talk about style 

  8. Featured solos

  9. If there is an interesting story behind the song or the cd, tell it

  10. Include the price, recording company, artist and group names (spelled correctly) 

  11. Album Title- underlined or italicized 

  12. introduce the cd and tell what type it is

  13. compare and contrast artist or songs or previous albums

  14. *discuss vocals and discuss one to three songs in the cd

  15. my use lyrics to profundities sexual references or criminal activities

  16. look for messages

  17. talk about the style of music solo or instrumental features

  18. if there’s a story behind the song tell it

  19. include artist group company and all group members spell correctly

TV Reviews:

  1. Follow all rules under movie reviews

  2. Make sure it’s a current program with current episodes

  3. Indicate type (September- December, February)

  4. Use all the rules from movie reviews 

  5. Tell how many seasons it has aired and if it has won any award

  6. Tell what type of show it is 

  7. Include facts about the director, producer and cast

  8. Talk about any special upcoming guest stars

  9. What audience is it aimed toward?

  10. Does is appears reruns on another station

  11. List day time it appears on

Restaurant Reviews:

  1. What kind of restaurant is it?

  2. Best types to do- new or few of same types

  3. Always include price ranges

  4.  Always include main menu items or specialty item (ex. Free bread sticks)

  5. Describe the atmosphere

  6. Describe the service

  7. Look at the menu and make sure and discuss variety of items on the menu (measure the proportions if doing a comparison

  8. Should visit the restaurant at least twice


  1. Tell what kind of restaurant it is 

  2. Include main menu and specialty items

  3. provide enough description so that people can gat a mental image of the food

  4. discuss portion sizes and special ingredients

  5. include prize ranges

  6. describe the service

  7. are there free refills

  8. check out the bathrooms

  9. compare the restaurant to similar restaurant for prizes for atmosphere for portion  and for quality  visit more then once

  10. photo copy the menu or write down some of the items with the prices

  11. check out local reviews on the establishments

Book Reviews:

  1. A- Seek an original point of view

  2. B- Be concerned with the significance of the work

  3. C-Give a brief summary of the book

  4. D-Has the author written about this subject or a similar book before?

  5. E-Wrap up book review by giving number of pages, authors name, publishing company, and if it comes in hard/paperback

  6. list web site addresses 

  7. tell what type of site it is

  8. tell what kind of purpose or web site it provides

  9. does it accomplish its purpose or function

  10. is there many links and is it easy to navigate

  11. what age level is towards

  1. This is also known as a book review

Website Review:

  • The most important thing about a website is: is  it credible

  • Most credible cites = .gov. edu. Mil

  • Know the purpose of the site

  • Know the name of the site and URL

  • Talk about the ease of navigation

  • Talk about the graphics/ icons/ links

  • Talk about the overall appearance of the site

  • Foes the site works?

  • Is it linked to quality sites?

  • Who is the sponsor/ host

  • You may review video games/systems

  • list web site addresses 

  • tell what type of site it is

  • tell what kind of purpose or web site it provides

  • does it accomplish its purpose or function

  • is there many links and is it easy to navigate

  • what age level is towards

Gaming:  Use Web Review notes

-Title/ who makes it

-Stats: Age/ cost/ features/ popularity


-animation/ graphics

-Ease of use/ navigation

-bonus features

-Who should play

-Why play

-What make this better/ worse/ similar / difft. Than other games in this category?


-Format (Gaming system/ platform

-Issues/ difficulties

-Improvements needed

-Extra Special features

-Why play this game>

Rating System:







Make separate interview questions for players and coaches

Sample Coach questions:

1. What is your name and how do you spell it?

2. What is your exact title?

3. Record to date

4. What is you plan / goal for the season?

5. How is your team living up to that plan/ goal?

6. Positive moments/ accomplishments

7. Areas for improvement

8. Key players and their strengths.

9. Most challenging opponent this SEASON?

10. Proudest moment from the season

11. What do you have to work on to accomplish your season goals?


Name/ position

Team strength

Team weaknesses

individual strength

Individual weaknesses

How do they feel about the season